" life is like a piano, the white keys represent happiness and the black show sadness, But as you go through life's journey, remember that the black keys also create music "
Monday, January 31, 2011
Bahan A:
1/2 cawan gula ..dicairkan dalam loyang yg nak dikukuskan nanti
Bahan B
1 buku roti [10 keping]
1 tin susu cair
1 tin air buah dari fruit cocktal/peach
2 biji telur
1/2 cawan gula
1 sudu teh esen vanilla
2 sudu besar tepung kastad
buah2 koktail
1. Panaskan kukusan.
2. Gaul rata semua bahan B kecuali fruits cocktal dan tapis.
3. Masukkan bancuhan kedalam loyang yg ada gula yg telah dicairkan.
4. Tutupkan loyang dengan plastik glaze nipis.
5. Kukuskan selama 30 minit.
6. Sejukkan dahulu baru di terbalikkan dalam pinggan besar.
7. Susunkan dengan perlahan-lahan isi buah fruit cocktail
8. Sejukkan...hidangkan sebagai dessert
Sunday, January 30, 2011
puding roti n ice-cream
500 ml Susu segar
8 keping Roti
* 4 sudu besar Gula halus
* 4 sudu besar Butter
* 2 biji Telur
* 1 sudu tea Esen vanilla
* 1 sudu besar Tepung Jagung
2 sudu besar Kismis
Susun roti dalam loyang dan rendam dengan susu selama 30 minit.
Gaul rata bahan-bahan bertanda * dan masukkan kedalam loyang.
Taburkan kismis diatas adunan tadi.
Bakar pada suhu 180 C selama 30 minit atau sehingga masak.
Hidangkan bersama ice-cream vanilla.
8 keping Roti
* 4 sudu besar Gula halus
* 4 sudu besar Butter
* 2 biji Telur
* 1 sudu tea Esen vanilla
* 1 sudu besar Tepung Jagung
2 sudu besar Kismis
Susun roti dalam loyang dan rendam dengan susu selama 30 minit.
Gaul rata bahan-bahan bertanda * dan masukkan kedalam loyang.
Taburkan kismis diatas adunan tadi.
Bakar pada suhu 180 C selama 30 minit atau sehingga masak.
Hidangkan bersama ice-cream vanilla.
klu nk sedap lg tambah serbuk kayu manis n garam ckit
,,,try la...sedap tau!!cbe2
,,,try la...sedap tau!!cbe2
Saturday, January 29, 2011
kek coklat kukus

Bahan-bahan ( size loyang 18cm )
1 cawan tepung gandum
1/4 cwn serbuk koko van houten
1 sudu kecil baking powder
1 kotak susu coklat (250ml)
2 biji telur (size M)
1 cawan gula halus
1/2 cawan butter
3 sudu besar susu pekat
1/4 cawan minyak masak n esen vanila
3-5 sudu besar susu pekat
1/4 cawan serbuk koko van houten
2 sudu besar butter
2 sudu besar susu segar
Pukul telur,gula dan butter sampai kembang.Kemudian titiskan esen vanila. n pukul lg.
Ayak tepung,serbuk koko dan baking powder.
Masukkan sedikit demi sedikit ke dalam adunan telur.Kaup balikkan.
Masukkan susu kotak,susu pekat,minyak dan gaul sebati.
Masukkan dlm loyang yg telah dilengser minyak/marjerin. Tutup dengan aluminium foil..Then kukus 45min...Dah masak sejukkan.
Utk topping...campurkan semua bhn dan masak secara double boiler. Then bleh la curahkan kat atas kek yg dh sejuk td.. Hiaslah apa suka...Pastu simpan dlm peti sejuk beberapa jam sebelum dipotong. Taraa...dh siap...bleh la makan....
SeLaMat MeNcUbe....
tart keju blueberry..try la sedap!!!!
Bahan-bahan ( 10 biji )
Bahan untuk Pastry:-
125 gm mentega / margerin
60 gm gula aising
1 biji telur (gred B) saiz sederhana besar
240 gm tepung gandum
Bahan untuk keju Filling(inti):-
250 gm cream cheese
50 gm gula aising
20 gm mentega (lembutkan)
1/2 sudu besar perahan lemon
1 biji telur (gred B)
Blueberry pie filling
Panaskan ketuhar pada suhu 180 C.
Untuk membuat sweet pastry: -pukul mentega/marjerin dan gula aising sampai creamy. masukkan telur, pukul lagi. Selepas itu masukkan tepung. Gaul hingga membentuk doh. Tekankan doh tadi ke dalam bekas tart. Tekan kedalam kemas-kemas. Trim tepinya dengan batang sudu atau pisau. Bakar pada suhu 180 C untuk 15-20 minit. Tunggu sejuk dulu baru keluarkan daripada acuan tart.
Untuk membuat cheese filling: -pukul cream cheese, mentega dan gula aising till fluffy. Akhir sekali masukkan telur dan perahan lemon, pukul.
Sendukkan cheese filling tadi kedalam piping bag dan pipekan kedalam doh tart yang sudah dibakar tadi. Hiaskan diatas dengan blueberry filling dan susun diatas dulang pembakar dan bakar pada suhu 180 C selama 10 minit atau filling tadi nampak macam kering sedikit.
Bahan untuk Pastry:-

125 gm mentega / margerin
60 gm gula aising
1 biji telur (gred B) saiz sederhana besar
240 gm tepung gandum
Bahan untuk keju Filling(inti):-
250 gm cream cheese
50 gm gula aising
20 gm mentega (lembutkan)
1/2 sudu besar perahan lemon
1 biji telur (gred B)
Blueberry pie filling
Panaskan ketuhar pada suhu 180 C.
Untuk membuat sweet pastry: -pukul mentega/marjerin dan gula aising sampai creamy. masukkan telur, pukul lagi. Selepas itu masukkan tepung. Gaul hingga membentuk doh. Tekankan doh tadi ke dalam bekas tart. Tekan kedalam kemas-kemas. Trim tepinya dengan batang sudu atau pisau. Bakar pada suhu 180 C untuk 15-20 minit. Tunggu sejuk dulu baru keluarkan daripada acuan tart.
Untuk membuat cheese filling: -pukul cream cheese, mentega dan gula aising till fluffy. Akhir sekali masukkan telur dan perahan lemon, pukul.
Sendukkan cheese filling tadi kedalam piping bag dan pipekan kedalam doh tart yang sudah dibakar tadi. Hiaskan diatas dengan blueberry filling dan susun diatas dulang pembakar dan bakar pada suhu 180 C selama 10 minit atau filling tadi nampak macam kering sedikit.
x nak main cinta?
assalamualaikum semua..
post kali ni sy dh lama nk tulis..n agak menyakitkan hati maybe
x tau npe tp sy terasa pelik...
pelik sgt2..
tp awl2 sy nk mintak maaf ye...
mungkin ad org terasa nti,,ini hanya luahan hati saya..
saya tau saya pn x sempurna..
semua org sekeliling saya asyik cakap x nak jatuh cinta la pe la..
eh, tau x npe xnk jatuh cinta??
huh,,...xnk hati rosak sbb asyik tringat kt si dia je,,cm2 la lebih kurang..
org nk jaga hati sbb org ckp cinta sblm kawin 2 haram la,,bla2
*saya sangat x suka org cakap pasal agama n hukum hakam klu dy sdri x buat,,please..!
sy pelik..
bagi saya semua orang pandai cakap je..
tp nk praktikkan jauh sekali..
"eh,nape awk cakap cmni??"
mst ad org tanya cm2..
n saya akn jwb
awak fikir la sdri
apa y awk cakap n apa y awak lakukan..
nk jauh dr si dia tp hakikatnya makin dekat..kenapa??
sebabnya awk sendiri y lakukan..
kalau nak jauh buat la dgn cara y betul..
btol2 jauh bukannya stil brhubung n cermin la setiap kelakuan y korg buat..
adakah mendekatkan lg hubungan e2 atau menjauhkan?
seriously, i'm not a good person to deal with this problem..
but, i'm wondering myself
why should i said something that i'll not practically do it?
n 1 lg,,ble ckp bab2 y couple ni haram la pela...
ramai y setuju..
tp ble sampai bab2 y kena mengena dgn diri sdri,,cmua buat2 x tau...
n ckp xpela kteorg bukan wt pape pom,,
keluar makan je,,jalan2 je,,x sentuh2 pom,,
aik,,td ckp couple x bley,,tp certain part boleh lak??
pelik tol...
klu dh nme couple cmua sama la..
sy kdg2 trfikir npe org2 nih cakap lain buat lain n certain part menghalalkan apa y dyorg tahu..
bg saya,,
sy liberal cikt..
korg nak couple ke nak jaga ati ke ape ke..
lantak la do i care??
tapi jgn cakap pasal agama atau benda y korg x mampu n x mungkin buat...
semua ini wt saya trfikir
npe cakap je,,tp buatnye x!
n saya,,sy sdri xpenah nk cakap xnk couple, couple haram o what so ever
cz i'm afraid that i'll not able to do that,,
but, why other people easily claim that x nka jatuh cinta la" but thier attitude reflect not.
tah,,sy x expert lm bab2 nih..
tp bg saya satu je..
buatla pe y korg cakap,,klu x mampu buat jgn cakap..
fizikal kamu x mencerminkan apa y kamu cakap...
MY STAND: korg xpenah dgrkn saya cakap cm2 ke ape?
sbb saya tau saya x mampu n bukan baik mcm korng..*sgn.
sy xnk t org cakap saya pandai cakap je..
saya x hipokrit,,pe y korg tgk e2 la saya..
saya x pandai nk tipu2
depan A cakap len, depan B cakap len..
depan A buat len, depan B buat len
i'm truly myself..
nak couple2 je..xpeyah cakap soal agama..cz u already jeopardize our religion divinity.
p/s: buat la pe y korg cakap, cermin kelakuan kamu btol x korg menjauhi perkara 2...
sy pm bukan insan sempurna tp saya xpenah expressly ckp cm2..buatla mcm korg ckp..jgn cakap je
setiap insan perlukan cinta,,saya tau!
Monday, January 24, 2011
x sabar nak balik!!!
3 days to go..
i'm very happy..
ma&abah&yong&abe&kucing2 ku y comel2
lme x jumpe..
selesai je test trus ingat nak balik rumah..huhuhu
td g shopping2 jap..
bukan utk sy ye..
utk my lovely mum..
cantik tau..
honestly..sy xpenah balik rumah dgn tangan kosong..
t rse brsalah lak..
x beli baju..
bli hand bag
sampy brtimbun2 baju n handbag my mum..
but, at least i feel very satisfied to buy something to my beloved one..
xtau nk bli pe 4 my dad la..
any suggestion x??
ari 2 abah ad ckp dy xde perfume..
bli perfume pm ok jgkkn??
t la sy tny org2 y expert
ttg perfume2 nih..
kt my younger brother, YONG!!!
x kesah la dy 2
bg makanan jer,,
dy SUKA la..
cm kakak dy jgk,,huhu
my bro
xpe dy dh keje kot,,
ptotnye dy y bg sy hadiah..
x patot tol..
ABE, mne hadiah ore??
dy bls
"lm mimpi jela dpt hadiah"
sy lm hati,,
"huh,dh agak dh!!"
pape pom
ingin sy katakn
Saturday, January 22, 2011

i'd saw a muvee diz early morning with my friends..
the muvee called the pursuit of happyness,,
at first, i felt so lazy to go to KAED mini audi just to watch a muvee
everything was lingering in my mind at the time..
the muvee must be so boring and nothing.
sooooo lazy
to wake up from my comfortable bed
plus the surrounding was so cold..
oh my god i was really lazy...
in my mind
"malasnye ak nk g!!xpela..xlh mcm nih t x dpt sign attendance nti dpt warning letter je..dh la 4 jam"
how naughty i am..
sgt la tak sincere nk g leadership class..
its like a heavy chains tied around my legs..
ya,,Allah malas gle bdk nih,,huhu
in short,,
i'd managed to wake up in shivering morning
went to mini audi as early as 8 am..
but then
the muvee started at 9am sharp..
in my mind
"klu ak dtg lambat pn xpe,,aish!!"
the the muvee started..
i did watching the muvee till the end of it..
wat a good muvee ever..
this muvee shared with us what we can do if we have strong determination
a good example in our life as a student,
this muvee is something that everyone should watch
from nothing, being left by his wife
lost his shelters so many times
but then
he never give up
keep on positive thinking through out his way of life
its also about family bonding between father n his son
he is willing to do everything to his son
like my father

a life will never be a perfect life without a perfect family
i'm only saw this muvee on the bright side of it..
as if u watch the whole muvee its more on materialistic kind a happiness..
being financial stable then u will be happy
its might be true,,indeed
nowadays, money meant everything to some person
for me life would never ever be happy if we do not have family to be with us
in facing all spices of life..
that what i call a true happiness..
anyway,gud muvee!!

this muvee shows to me that how important to be wif ur family
to support them,,to cheer them,,to encourage them,,
to do all things with them
not forgotten
how important a strong determination in our life..
ahkirnye,,ak menyesal ble fikir first thought ak bout this muvee..
tarik balik pe y d fikir td,,hahaa
ahkirnye,,ak menyesal ble fikir first thought ak bout this muvee..
tarik balik pe y d fikir td,,hahaa
Christopher Gardner: You gotta trust me, all right?
Christopher: I trust you.
Christopher Gardner: 'Cause I'm getting a better job
Christopher Gardner: I met my father for the first time when I was 28 years old. I made up my mind that when I had children, my children were going to know who their father was.
Christopher Gardner: Hey. Don't ever let somebody tell you... You can't do something. Not even me. All right?
Christopher: All right.
Christopher Gardner: You got a dream... You gotta protect it. People can't do somethin' themselves, they wanna tell you you can't do it. If you want somethin', go get it.
Christopher Gardner: Probably means there's a good chance. Possibly means we might or we might not.
Christopher: Okay.
Christopher Gardner: So, what does probably mean?
Christopher: It means we have a good chance.
Christopher Gardner: And what does possibly mean?
Christopher: I know what it means! It means we're not going to the game.
Christopher Gardner: 'Cause I'm getting a better job
Christopher Gardner: I met my father for the first time when I was 28 years old. I made up my mind that when I had children, my children were going to know who their father was.
Christopher Gardner: Hey. Don't ever let somebody tell you... You can't do something. Not even me. All right?
Christopher: All right.
Christopher Gardner: You got a dream... You gotta protect it. People can't do somethin' themselves, they wanna tell you you can't do it. If you want somethin', go get it.
Christopher Gardner: Probably means there's a good chance. Possibly means we might or we might not.
Christopher: Okay.
Christopher Gardner: So, what does probably mean?
Christopher: It means we have a good chance.
Christopher Gardner: And what does possibly mean?
Christopher: I know what it means! It means we're not going to the game.
Christopher Gardner: It was right then that I started thinking about Thomas Jefferson on the Declaration of Independence and the part about our right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. And I remember thinking how did he know to put the pursuit part in there? That maybe happiness is something that we can only pursue and maybe we can actually never have it. No matter what. How did he know that?
Christopher: Hey dad, you wanna hear something funny? There was a man who was drowning, and a boat came, and the man on the boat said "Do you need help?" and the man said "God will save me". Then another boat came and he tried to help him, but he said "God will save me", then he drowned and went to Heaven. Then the man told God, "God, why didn't you save me?" and God said "I sent you two boats, you dummy!"
Christopher Gardner: It was right then that I started thinking about Thomas Jefferson on the Declaration of Independence and the part about our right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. And I remember thinking how did he know to put the pursuit part in there? That maybe happiness is something that we can only pursue and maybe we can actually never have it. No matter what. How did he know that?
Christopher: Hey dad, you wanna hear something funny? There was a man who was drowning, and a boat came, and the man on the boat said "Do you need help?" and the man said "God will save me". Then another boat came and he tried to help him, but he said "God will save me", then he drowned and went to Heaven. Then the man told God, "God, why didn't you save me?" and God said "I sent you two boats, you dummy!"
Thursday, January 13, 2011
[KING'S BENCH DIVISION. (Lord Goddard C.J., Hilbery and Ormerod, JJ.), July 24, 1951.]
Criminal Law-Larceny-Receiving property known to have been stolen-Goods taken by child aged seven-Larceny Act, 1916 (c. 50), s. 1 (1), s. 1 (2) (i) (d), s. 33 (1)-Children and Young Persons Act, 1933 (c. 12), s. 50.
The respondents were charged under the Larceny Act, 1916, s. 33 (1), with receiving from a child, aged seven years, certain articles knowing them to have been stolen.
HELD: under the Children and Young Persons Act, 1933, s. 50, the child could not be guilty of larceny as he was under the age of eight years; therefore, the property taken by the child was not property " stolen or obtained… under circumstances which amount to felony or misdemeanour," within s. 33 (1); and the respondents could not be convicted under that sub-section of receiving the property knowing it to have been stolen.
R. v. Creamer ([1919] 1 K.B. 564), applied.
Semble: The respondents could have been convicted of larceny as bailees under s. 1 (1) of the Act of 1916, or of larceny by finding under s. 1 (2) (i) (d).
FOR THE LARCENY ACT, 1916, s. 33, see HALSBURY’S STATUTES, Second Edn., Vol. 5, p. 1032.
FOR. THE CHILDREN AND YOUNG PERSONS ACT, 1933, s. 50, see ibid., Vol. 12, P. 1010.
Case referred to:
(1) R. v. Creamer, [1919] 1 K.B 564; 88 L.J.K.B. 594; 120 L.T. 575; 83 J.P. 120; 15 Digest 974, 10898.
CASE STATED by Lincolnshire justices.
On Apr. 12, 1951, on informations preferred by the appellant the respondents were charged under the Larceny Act, 1916, s. 33 (1), with receiving from their son, aged seven, goods which had been stolen, knowing them to have c been stolen. The goods, which were taken by the child from the premises of their. respective owners, were found on the premises of the respondents, who contended that they did not know that the goods were stolen. It was contended by the appellant that the Children and Young Persons Act, 1933, s.50, which provides that " no child under the age of eight years can be guilty of any offence," did not enact that a child under that age was not capable of committing an offence, and, therefore, although the child could not be convicted as a principal, the receivers of property stolen by him were none the less liable to be convicted, and, under the Larceny Act, 1916, s. 33 (3), the respondents could be convicted oven though the child, as the principal offender, was not amenable to justice. After adjourning the case until May 10, 1951, the justices dismissed the informations on the ground that, as the child, being under the age of eight, could not be found guilty of any criminal offence, he could not in law commit a crime and the property taken by him was not property " stolen or obtained… under circumstances which amount to felony or misdemeanour," within s.33 (1) of the Act of 1916, and, therefore, the respondents could not be convicted of receiving stolen property.
T. R. F. Butler for the appellant.
The respondents did not appear.
The respondents did not appear.
LORD GODDARD, C.J.: This is a Case stated by justices for the city of Lincoln, before whom the respondents, a husband and wife, were charged under the Larceny Act, 1916, s.33(1), that:
"…they between Aug. 1 and 31, 1950, at the city of Lincoln, jointly feloniously did receive from Richard Norman Lunt (aged seven years) a Child’s tricycle of the value of £2, the property of Walter Cole, which had theretofore been feloniously stolen, knowing the same to have been so stolen."
There was a similar charge in respect of a child’s fairy cycle alleged to have been received by them on Mar. 11, 1951, from Richard Norman Lunt, aged seven years, and we infer from the Case that Richard Norman Lunt is the child of the respondents. The justices refused to convict on the ground that, as the child was under eight years of age, under the Children and Young Persons Act, 1933, s. 50, he was incapable of stealing and could not be convicted of the felonious act of larceny, and, therefore, the respondents could not be convicted, under a. 33 (1) of the Act of 1916, of receiving stolen property because the property taken by the child was not property " stolen or obtained… under circumstances which amount to felony or misdemeanour."
In my judgment, R. v. Creamer (1) makes it clear that the decision of the justices was correct. The facts in that case were different, as the parties there involved were husband and wife. The Court of Criminal Appeal held that the effect of the Larceny Act, 1916, s. 36, was that no crime was committed by a wife who took her husband’s goods unless she took them when she was leaving, or about to leave, him, and, therefore, a man who received from the wife property taken by her from the husband could not be convicted of receiving because the facts necessary to convict the wife of larceny from the husband (i.e., that she was leaving or about to leave him) had not been proved. In the case now before us the child could not have been found guilty of larceny because he was under eight years of age, and, unless he is eight years old, he is not considered in law capable of forming the intention necessary to support a charge of larceny. Therefore, the justices came to a perfectly proper decision in point of law on the charge of receiving.
This, however, will not prevent the prosecution from preferring a further charge against the respondents for larceny, because, in my opinion, the facts show that it would be open to the justices to convict them either of larceny as bailees or of larceny by finding. Larceny is defined in the Larceny Act, 1916,s.1, as follows:
" (1) A person steals who, without the consent of the owner, fraudulently and without a claim of right made in good faith, takes and carries away anything capable of being stolen with intent, at the time of such taking, permanently to deprive the owner thereof; Provided that a person may be guilty of stealing any such thing notwithstanding that he has lawful possession thereof, if, being a bailee or part owner thereof, he fraudulently converts the same to his own use or the use of any person other than the owner:
(2)-(i) the expression ‘takes’ includes, obtaining the possession… (d) by finding, where at the time of the finding the finder believes that the owner can be discovered by taking reasonable steps."
In the case before us the child brought the goods home, and the respondents took possession of them and kept them. It can, therefore, be submitted to the justices that the respondents put themselves in the position of bailees of the true owner, and, by doing the acts and telling the untruths which they did, provided a ground on which the justices could find that they converted the goods to their own use. Alternatively, it could be submitted to the justices that this was a case of larceny by finding, the respondents finding the goods in their house, brought there by the child. If the justices come to the conclusion that at the time when the respondents found the goods, i.e., when the child brought them home, they believed that the owner could be discovered by taking reasonable steps-and I should not think the justices would have much difficulty in finding that-the respondents will be guilty of larceny by finding. Therefore, we dismiss this appeal. It will be for the police to decide whether they will prefer any further charge before the justices. If they do so, the decision of the justices on the receiving charge will be no bar to a conviction if they find the facts for larceny.
HILBERY, J.: I am of the same opinion.
ORMEROD, J.: I agree.
Appeal dismissed.
Solicitors: Sharpe, Pritchard & Co., agents for J. H. Smith, town clerk, Lincoln (for the appellant).
[Reported by F. A. Amies, Esq., Barrister-at-Law.]
selamat ber 'test' kwn2!
minggu depan semua org sibuk nk test
dikesempatan ini sy tujukn lagu utk kwn2..
gagal sekali x bermakna gagal selamanya
sentiasa berusaha
berdoa pada Allah...
selamat berjaya kawan-kawan!!
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
strict liability cases
Sweet v Parsley [1970] AC 132.
The defendant was a landlady of a house let to tenants. She retained one room in the house for herself and visited occasionally to collect the rent and letters. While she was absent the police searched the house and found cannabis. The defendant was convicted under s5 of the Dangerous Drugs Act 1965 (now replaced), of "being concerned in the management of premises used for the smoking of cannabis". She appealed alleging that she had no knowledge of the circumstances and indeed could not expect reasonably to have had such knowledge.
The House of Lords, quashing her conviction, held that it had to be proved that the defendant had intended the house to be used for drug-taking, since the statute in question created a serious, or "truly criminal" offence, conviction for which would have grave consequences for the defendant. Lord Reid stated that "a stigma still attaches to any person convicted of a truly criminal offence, and the more serious or more disgraceful the offence the greater the stigma". And equally important, "the press in this country are vigilant to expose injustice, and every manifestly unjust conviction made known to the public tends to injure the body politic [people of a nation] by undermining public confidence in the justice of the law and of its administration."
Lord Reid went on to point out that in any event it was impractical to impose absolute liability for an offence of this nature, as those who were responsible for letting properties could not possibly be expected to know everything that their tenants were doing.
The defendant was convicted of selling alcohol to a police officer whilst on duty, contrary to s16(2) of the Licensing Act 1872. He had reasonably believed the constable to be off duty as he had removed his arm-band, which was the acknowledged method of signifying off duty. The Divisional Court held that the conviction should be quashed, despite the absence from s16(2) of any words requiring proof of mens rea as an element of the offence. Wright J expressed the view that the presumption in favour of mens rea would only be displaced by the wording of the statute itself, or its subject matter. In this case the latter factor was significant, in that no amount of reasonable care by the defendant would have prevented the offence from being committed. Wright J stated:
"It is plain that if guilty knowledge is not necessary, no care on the part of the publican could save him from a conviction under section 16, subsection (2), since it would be as easy for the constable to deny that he was on duty when asked, or to produce a forged permission from his superior officer, as to remove his armlet before entering the public house. I am, therefore, of opinion that this conviction ought to be quashed."
Lim Chin Aik v R [1963] AC 160.
The defendant had been convicted of contravening an order prohibiting in absolute terms, his entry into Singapore, despite his ignorance of the order's existence. In allowing the defendant's appeal, Lord Evershed expressed the view that the imposition of strict liability could only really be justified where it would actually succeed in placing the onus to comply with the law on the defendant. If the defendant is unaware that he has been made the subject of an order prohibiting him from entering a country, the imposition of strict liability should he transgress the order would not in anyway promote its observance. Lord Evershed stated:
Alphacell Ltd v Woodward [1972] AC 824."But it is not enough in their Lordship's opinion merely to label the statute as one dealing with a grave social evil and from that to infer that strict liability was intended. It is pertinent also to inquire whether putting the defendant under strict liability will assist in the enforcement of the regulations. That means that there must be something he can do, directly or indirectly, by supervision or inspection, by improvement of his business methods or by exhorting those whom he may be expected to influence or control, which will promote the observance of the regulations. Unless this is so, there is no reason in penalising him, and it cannot be inferred that the legislature imposed strict liability merely in order to find a luckless victim."
The defendants were charged with causing polluted matter to enter a river contrary to s2 of the Rivers (Prevention of Pollution) Act 1951. The river had in fact been polluted because a pipe connected to the defendant's factory had been blocked, and the defendants had not been negligent. The House of Lords nevertheless held that the defendants were liable. Lord Salmon stated:
If this appeal succeeded and it were held to be the law that no conviction be obtained under the 1951 Act unless the prosecution could discharge the often impossible onus of proving that the pollution was caused intentionally or negligently, a great deal of pollution would go unpunished and undeterred to the relief of many riparian factory owners. As a result, many rivers which are now filthy would become filthier still and many rivers which are now clean would lose their cleanliness. The legislature no doubt recognised that as a matter of public policy this would be most unfortunate. Hence s2(1)(a) which encourages riparian factory owners not only to take reasonable steps to prevent pollution but to do everything possible to ensure that they do not cause it.
compulsory moots quiz
n i feel like i have not read a single relevant topic yet
i'm afraid la...
next week my 1st test begins..
criminal law 18/1/11
on Tuesday night,
8 pm sharp!!
my 2nd test lak..
family law
on friday
at 6-7pm
petang sgt
t otak saya beku madam!!
dahla uia sejuk memanjang...
my 3rd n 4th tests
on a same day..
caya la beb!!
constitutional law test n ethic& fiqh in everyday life test
or ungs..
cane la sy nk go through..
cm x biasa lak..
wish me luck friends!!!
gud luck to u my dearest friends
may Allah always be by my side n ur side..
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Skirt Siapa Lebih Pendek??
Di kala orang stress dengan pengumuman kerajaan kita yang begitu “PRIHATIN” untuk berjimat cermat, . saya rasa Rozita dan Azza sudah pun menyahut seruan kerajaan kita untuk berjimat cermat. Sekarang nie diorang beli baju yang tak cukup kain bukan untuk seksi, tapi sebab itu lebih murah. hahahahaa
help me?

As we all know, help is one of the most difficult things to get in the present day and age. All too often, people get stuck because they feel they do not know how to ask for help in their workplace. Inevitably, if you want to succeed in your career you will need the help of others. Getting help may have less to do with your authority and formal position. It is more to do with your strategy and approach, which can range from a simple favor to convincing others to accept a priority of yours as if it were their own. Read on to discover some of the most amazing facts on how to get anyone to help you.
To enlist the help of others, you need to ask for help. Most people are more than willing to give you a hand provided you must ask for their help at the very first place. However, you must define what needs to be done before asking for help. The more you can identify specifically the help you need and the tasks to be done, the better. Remember, fuzzy goals lead to fuzzy results. By defining all the tasks required, you increase the likelihood of success. So, swallow your pride, and just ask!

When you make a general request for volunteers perhaps during a meeting, never ever make it sounds like “Whoever doesn’t have much of anything to do can work on this.” Your chances of getting someone to volunteer thus tend to be slim. However, if you think about who might best be able to help with a task and then specifically ask that person for help, your odds of getting him or her to accept the task increase dramatically. For instance, “Max, I’m putting together a team to DESIGN a new product. Your expertise in marketing analysis for sure can help us to make the right decision. Can we count on you to join us?”
The important thing to remember is to always say Thank You for their assistance. Thank and acknowledge others for their help. You may send a personal note of thanks or perhaps a nice personal e-mail thank you is certainly a great choice in this information age. The person will feel that his or her time and energy were appreciated. In addition, you will likely be able to call on the person again in the future for assistance. People are glad to help those who appreciate their efforts.
Think about what your life would be like if nobody helps you at certain stage of your life when you need them? Your achievement will be limited if you limit yourself to only the things you can do without help from others. So, if you have a good idea in an area where you lack the necessary skills, knowledge or experiences, think it through and show others how they can help achieve the desired result. Ask, and you shall receive, the help you need to make your life a success!
last night was a history!
dis is an annoying post if ur not good in controlling urself..
juz leave this blog immediately..
last night
only a truthful person dare to face or confront others
to give some clarification
not hiding n pretending
its kinda annoying to know a person like that..
if ur not guilty
show it!
WERE not there to scold or argue with you
but just wanna know the truth..
who is the blamed one..
an incident last night reflected everything
its ur fault not to defence urself
so stop blaming others..
stop pretending to be a victim
stop spreading the untruthful story..
t memalukan diri je!!!
we have the evidences..
stop hurting other
stop do violent to other
cz it really reflect the real you..
think b4 acting next time beb..
may Allah show us a way..
Allah Almighty knows the truth even others do not know..
at least be shame to Allah once in urlife..
we all human being, not perfect!
who am I to judge you..
let Allah be a fair judge
last night showed everything..
thank you!
Friday, January 7, 2011
its rainy n BANJIR!!!
1st thing ever crossed in my mind when i saw a report
about flood in kelantan,,my sweet hometown!
it is just a simple answer...saya suka banjir!!!
bila banjir cuaca jadi sejuk...
hujan turun...
ad org tanya saya npe suka sangat banjir??
kn banjir menyusahkan??
yeah,,its may be right..
but,,have u ever being in that situation??
klu korg rse cne la banjir 2..mst korg x cakap cm2..
for ur info...
my whole family,,atuk, nenek,sepupu sepapat
cmua trtunggu kedatangan banjir...
n bg org y merasai kedatangan banjir mereka sangat suka..
nk tau kenapa??
- sebab mse banjir kteorg brkumpul ramai2...dpt erat silaturrahim tau..
- of kos,dapat mandi air banjir y sejuk giler 2..brsama kaum kerabat xkira tua @muda..
- lepas dah letih mandi2..perut terasa lapar,,makan ubi kayu rebus ramai2..ad jgk y makan sambil main air n ad jgk makan dlu pas2 sambung men air banjir sampai malam,,,huuuuuuhuhu best giler!!!
- malam,,makan nasi ramai2,,lauk biasa2 pn jd sedap cz makan ramai2..siap tambah brpinggan2 lg,,hahahaa
- yg paling best dpt g pasang pukat,,utk tngkap ikan keli,puyu,haruan,,best21!!
- keli oh keli...
haruan ku sayang!!
ha,,ckp psl g pasang pukat,,
ak mmg sangat expert,,
wlpn ak nih ppuan ak suka je g tlg abah ak..
pagi2 abah ak g pasang pukat..
then,,malam menjelma ak n abah g tgk ad ikan x y trperangkap...
tgh2 malam kot,,n kt tengah2 sawah y luas n sejuk...
kteorg gne lampu suluh je d mlm y gelap gelita tuh...
penah dlu kteorg dpt banyak ikan2 tuh,,siap bleh jual lg,,
ini pacat,,lebih kecik dr lintah..
lintah oh lintah,,
ad 1 insident y mne ak d gigit lintah,,
mesti korg geli kn??
pacat pn takot inikan lintah y besar2 n gemuk2
dh macam ular @belut..huhu
tp bg ak,,
ak x kesah pom
pacat ak x takot,,lintah pom..
belut lg la ak x geli n takot!hahaha
bongkak tol!
tp betol,,,
ak penah wt belut 2 binatang peliharaan kot..
siap bley main2 lg...comey!!hehe
brbalik pd cite lintah 2..
ad satu mlm ak g tgk pukat..
ak rse something kt kaki ak,,
cm ular y belit kaki..
ak pn pegang jela,,tanpa rasa takot n cuak..
pas2 ak tgk lintah 2,,
BESAR gile!!
siap lilit2 kaki ak lg,,
pas2 ak gtau abah ak..
n abah ak ckp..
buang je...
n dgn selamba badak ak buang lintah 2
pas2 ak tgk kaki ak brdarah banyak gle n lintah 2 dah gemuk cz makan darah ak!!
rezeki lintah...
tp best n ak x penah serik..
siap tny lg abah ak ble nk g sawah lg..
n abah ak slalu ajak ak..dy xnk ank ppuan dy jd sorg y penakut n trjerit2,,
huhu,,ak pm x suka!
over la ppuan cm2...
td,,lm kul 5 mak ak kol,,
dlm nada gembira dy ckp..
rumah mek(tok ak) dh nek air banjir..
n ak dgn nada sedih ckp
tp apekn daya,,x de cuti!!!
mst best klu dpt balik,,,
abah jom kte g pasang pukat!!!
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